Friday, July 14, 2006

More Fireworks

These pictures are blurry because it was almost dark and I was trying to find a good setting for the camera, but I guess I didn't find the right one.

Since we were going to miss the 4th, Les' sister bought alot of fireworks for the kids to let off before we left Kentucky. They had a lot of fun with their cousins, Annie and Ryan, letting off fireworks for quite awhile. They had firecrackers, bottle rockets, smoke bombs and all kinds of ground fireworks that were pretty good. Thanks Chris, the kids had a great time. We miss you guys alot. Can't wait to come home again.

Dad's a funny man!

This is my dad being funny. Don't worry, he really doesn't have hair like that and doesn't wear hats like that either. I just caught him goofing around while we were packing.
Told you I was going to put this on the web dad, Ha ha!

Visiting Cousins

Here's Lucas and Nathan visiting their cousin Cody on Les' side of the family. Cody is only 10 and bigger than Lucas. He's a very sweet kid.

Les' cousin, Kenny and his wife Eva are expecting a baby any day. If you look in the back, you can see Eva. She actually went into labor while we were still there, but they stopped her. Wasn't quite time.

They had us over for dinner one day. The kids had a ball visiting again. It's only the second time they've ever seen each other. You would never have known it.

Waiting around

We had a 2 hour layover at JFK airport, which ended up being almost 4, with the last two sitting in the airplane on the runway due to bad weather. That was a long day.

Fireworks from the Volksfest

These pictures were taken from our dining room window. Although we didn't know we were going to miss the 4th of July fireworks due to being jetlagged, this ended up being our 4th celebration in advance. These were during the opening night of the fair at the Volksfestplatz. We went one day just to try the food and of course Les had to try the beer that came in a stein almost 2 quarts in size. You get to keep the stein for 2 or 3 euros (I forget) or return it for you money back. We kept it. We never got to go back due to leaving on emergency leave back to the states.