Across the miles, we hope this blog helps our friends and family get a feel of where we are and what we're doing. A small way we can keep in touch with you all until we get home. God Bless You All.
Shelia watching the goats butt heads Lucas and Shelia Here's the goat with it's horn in Lucas' id holder Nathan playing with the baby goat. The goats were very aggressive if you didn't feed them fast enough.
Shelia and Lucas taking a look at the moose. Shelia's trying to feed some goats. Here's Nathan trying to hide in this wood play area they have. Nathan and Lucas looking over the edge at the deer eating below. Nathan in action.
My FRG decided it would be a nice treat to make goodie bags for our company soldiers that are deployed. I bought bags, patriotic lollipops, patriotic candy corn, and bible verse fortune cookies for 200 soldiers. After Shelia and I finally got them opened, filled, and put on the table, it was quite alot of bags. Now at the next FRG meeting, everyone else will bring more goodies to put in them and the soldiers should get a nice little treat bag!
Here's Lucas in motion Just waiting... Ready...Set...Bowl... Here's Nathan waiting on his ball Oops! In the gutter... The boys started their bowling league on Saturday. They didn't divide them up into teams, but they will next week according to ages. Nathans average on the first day was a 65. Lucas' average was 112. We'll see how much they progress through the season.
Finally, we are back in the states. While we still love to see historical places and learn about the places we travel to, now that we're closer to family, I should be able to start posting more family pictures.