Saturday, April 28, 2007

Trophy's for Bowling

Today was the last day of the boy's bowling league. They received trophy's and $25.

Nathans 2nd Green Belt

All "A" Honor Roll

Nathan made all A's on his report card this quarter! Way to go Na!!

He also got a reading award...

and a math award...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony

Here are a few pictures I took the morning of the ceremony. 299th was in charge of setting up the decorations for this event. We believe it was because we did such an awesome job at the spouse's dining in!! The theme was a sports theme with the logo T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More)

And yes we even had cheerleaders, seven total...
Below are Sara, a fellow Kentuckian, Wendy, battalion FRG leader, and myself

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nathan and the Dogs

During spring break we dog sat our friends dog "Bear". We had watched her before and the kids think it's hilarious how jealous she is of our dogs. We can't pet anyone but her or she throws a fit and Nathan really gets a kick out it. On this day, Nathan was eating a sandwich and I looked over and all 3 dogs were sitting at his feet watching him, so I had to get the camera and snap a picture.

Monday, April 09, 2007

10K Fun Run

I don't have any pictures, but on Saturday I ran my first 10K fun run. I finished in 1:19. I plan on running the next one in May and hopefully in an hour or less. That's my goal anyways.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Battalion Easter Egg Hunt and Bar-B-Q

Our battalion had its easter egg hunt and barbeque last Sunday, on Lucas's b-day. We went to help out and hide eggs and eat of course.
Nathan hanging out with a friend...

Lucas listening to his MP3 player after hiding alot of eggs. His helping hide eggs also counts for his volunteer service for the Golden Knights.

Nathan did not want to hunt eggs, but since there were only 3 others in that age group he decided it wouldn't be so bad and he hunted with them.

Lucas and Omar having a chat while Nathan goofs off

Nathan's sharing some candy he found with Omar.

Lucas is 13!!

Lucas had his 13th birthday on Sunday. We didn't do a party, he didn't want one, and we didn't have time. But he got a scooter that he had been wanting and a few other things. It's one thing to buy for a 13 year old boy, it's another to buy for a 13 year old boy in Germany! Anyways, it was a good day, but he does not like his picture taken, so I only have a few.

That's his big foot (an 11) with his new shoes and scooter.