This was the hardest and funnest day I ever had in the Army. We, many friends and myself, participated in the Spouses Challange on April 25th, where we participated in many challenges. Some were very difficult, while others were relatively easy and fun.
This picture is from our Drill and Ceremony task. Pictured from left to right:Allison, Theresa, Wnedy, Siri, Kim, Joanne, and Lori.
This is the morning we started. You can see how many of us look motivated and happy, while others are trying to keep our best "Army Face". We were divided into 2 teams and competed in all the tasks at different times. The picture above is the team I was in-team 1
This is part of the obstacle course that we did for "fun". It wasn't timed and didn't count for points for the team. That's me going over in BDU's, with my gun in my arms.
We had to march throughout the day. Joanne, front right, sang cadence for us all day, she was great.
End of the day chow