Sunday, August 26, 2007

Last few pictures from N.C.

Nathan and Cole saying goodbye. Somehow, they always seemed to dress alike...

Our last day together:(

More pics from the aquarium

Nathan holding a horseshoe crab

and Lucas holding one too..,

Nathan petting a stingray...
Nathan posing with the pirates...

Nathan and I in front of an aquarium...

Madison, Cole and Nathan in front of the worlds tallest castle...

Billie and I

Our second day at the beach...Got all four of the kids in this picture...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fun in the sun

Lucas, Nathan and Cole in the pool at the KOA we stayed at while in Myrtle Beach

Lucas jumping on the ground trampoline

Nathan jumping out of the picture

This is in the Ripleys Museum

Worlds Tallest Man

Crazy mirror

Monday, August 20, 2007

Gettin' some sun!!

While visiting my friend in N.C., we went to Myrtle Beach for two days. I could definately tolerate living close to the beach!!
Me and Lucas. Yes, he's that tall already!

Me and BillieJean. BFF!!

Lucas and Madison

Lucas and Nathan

Madison, Cole and Nathan

This is my favorite picture...

Nathan and Lucy

I thought this was a cool picture with the reflection

The Big Fish...

We went fishing with my dad while home in Ky. This is the big fish that Lucas caught.

It took forever for Lucas to get this fish in. And when he did, Lucy (the dog) was right there waiting. She wanted every fish we caught.

Lucas didn't want to hold the fish, as you can see.

Lucas decided to go for a boat ride, around the bank:)

Lucas also caught a bass. He was the only one to catch a bass and catfish. All we caught were bluegills.

Nathans first catch of the day.

There's Lucas reeling in the big fish with Lucy in the water patiently waiting.