Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Heading Back to Germany

Here's a couple of pictures while we were waiting at the airport to come back to Germany. Nathan wasn't really mad, he just thought he would be funny in the pictures and make faces.

My dad, me and Shelia

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Last days in KY

Nathan, Mamaw, Lucas and Me

My mom and I

Nathan and Lucas at my dad's playing with the new puppy, Cujo

Nana, Nathan and Cujo

Friday, September 07, 2007

Cousins hanging out

Ryan, Lucas, Annie, and Nathan...

Annie hugging Nathan...

Lucas and Annie


It was so hot in Ky while we were there over the summer. Nathan cooled off on the slip-n-slide!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Corbin Nibroc Parade

Here's a few pictures from the parade in Corbin. We have lots of pictures of cars that Lucas wanted but they all have the beauty queens with their names on the sides of the cars, so I won't post them.

I think the VFW members drive these little trucks around. The kids always like them.

Corbin, Ky, home of KFC

Gone Camping...

There's Nathan looking like a good ol' country boy...

hanging out in the tent...

Lucas liked to keep the fire going

and didn't like having his picture taken:0

Shelia and Nathan getting the tent ready

Nathan walking by the river