Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nathan's Cast

Nathan broke his thumb on May 13th while playing football at school with his friends. It was kinda funny when he did it...he called my cell after he got home from school and said "mom, do I have to walk the dog, I think I broke my thumb?" I thought he was crazy and had just jammed it, so yes, he had to walk the
I still didn't think it was broke when I got home, just swelled and jammed, and he said it didn't hurt to bad, so...come 2 days later and it's still swelled, I figured I had better take him to the doctor to be sure, and sure was broke!

To make a long story short, we were referred to the German Orthopedic Dr, who did absolutely nothing...wrapped his hand in the temporary splint the Army Dr put on and said come back in 2 weeks for new x-rays. Needless to say, I wasn't taking him back there, made another appt at the health clinic 2 weeks later and his thumb was growing crooked because the splint wasn't holding it correctly...they had to straighten it and cast him for 3 weeks!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Inside the lodge

The fireplace is so cozy...

the inside of the lodge is very rustic looking and decorated very nice...

I love the huge lights haning from the ceiling...

Distinguished Speakers

These are just a few pictures of the lodge at Edelweiss. It is always so beautiful there, with wonderful views of the Alps.

The lodge has these detailed paintings all over it.

This is General Kip Ward, commander of the U.S. Africa Command.

This is William R. Timken, Jr., the U.S. Ambassador to Germany

Army Europe Band

For our closing ceremony we had the Army Europe Band. They were very good, but it was hard to get decent pictures with the lighting being so dark

World War II-USO Night

Our theme for this night was a look back at our true beginnings of volunteering in our military communities. Many ladies dress like "Rosie the Riviter", like you see Lori has done.

And then we had the gals who were the glamourious ones in the 40's.

and then you have the Andrew Sisters...well, two of us anyways.

Sara and I were roommates, so I got a few pictures of us together...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

AWAG Luau Dinner

I attended AWAG (American Women's Activities in Germany) this year with some really great friends that I will miss terribly when we/they move. Awag was from April 27th-May 1st in Garmisch, Germany.
Most nights had a them to dress up during dinner. This was Luau night...
My girl on my left is Lori, my thrift shop buddy and good friend and my girl on my right is my Kentucky gal and good friend Sara.
I will miss you both very much!!

We're all such good friends...
Teresa, another KY girlfriend, Lori, Me, and Sara.

Us 3 run the thrift shop, and we do it good:)

Hanging out...

Last stop at Omaha

On our drive out of France, we drove to one more part of Omaha beach that we didn't see the day before...

Another memorial...

This was Omaha Beach when the tide was out, as you can see there is much more beach than in the previous Omaha pictures...

A gun emplacement at Omaha.

Point du Hoc, France

This is one of my favorite pictures

Pointe du Hoc is a clifftop location on the coast of Normandy in northern France. It lies 4 miles west of Omaha Beach, and stands on 100 ft tall cliffs overlooking the sea. It was a point of attack by the United States Army during the Battle of Normandy in World War II.
Straight out to the left you can see the Ranger Memorial.

With Pointe Du Hoc situated between Utah Beach to the west and Omaha Beach to the east, it was a major threat to the landings on both beaches, risking heavy casualties in the landing forces
This is one of six casemates that housed a battery of captured French 155mm guns.

several bombardments from the air and by naval guns left this land with bomb craters all over...

Nathan in a bomb crater,

The U.S. 2nd Ranger Battalion was the task of destroying the strongpoint early on D-Day. This is the memorial dedicated to the Ranger Battalion. It is closed off to visitors due to dangerous cliffs.