Friday, September 19, 2008

More Gatorland

These two guys put on a show at gatorland for everybody. They were hilarious.

This is a crocodile.

Another close call with the bird...

Gatorland, Florida

I love taking pictures of the different birds...

If you look closely in the picture below, you can see a gator creeping up on the bird. We thought for sure he was getting ready to have an afternoon snack, but the bird flew away.

Nathan had to touch a baby gator..

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Look at the pretty birds!

Key West Aquarium

Pretty fish

Petting the shark

Sea Turtle


Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park

America's southernmost state park and Civil War fortress

I set the camera to take our picture...

didn't realize I had it set to take 2!!

The moat around the fortress

These were some goats on the Naval Air Station where we stayed.

I love the beach

The beach is, by far, my favorite place to be.