Saturday, December 09, 2006

1st Basketball Game

Sorry these pictures are so bad. They were either to blurry or to dark. I could only salvage these 4 out of the 20 I took. I'll get better ones next week. Anyways, Lucas and Nathan won their first game 25-8. It's bittersweet winning games when your playing against your friends. Although there are 4 teams in our area, because it is such a small community, they have friends on all the teams. It will be much easier to cheer them on when we travel and play teams we don't know.
In this picture, Nathan is the purple player that is most visible. He's #20 and plays point guard.

Lucas is the purple player in the center of the picture. He's #40 and forward is his position.

Nathan in the center of the pic...

This was the top-off. I got most of both teams here. Lucas in on the far left and Nathan is on the far right.

Lucas had 2 baskets, a few steals and blocks. Nathan blocked a pass and did some great guarding.

1 comment:

Beaversrus said...

It is so hard to get good photos in gyms...I guess cuz of the lighting.

Great job boys! that's nice their on the same team. Madison and Cole just started last week and we have it four nights a week.

We got Les' letter, that was very nice of him to write us!