Sunday, June 15, 2008

8th Grade Prom

This is all the 8th graders that were at the prom. Lucas is 3rd from the left in the back row.

Lucas and his best friends.

I took these pictures after I dropped Lucas off at the prom. He didn't want me to take pictures of course, so I had to stop and zoom in as close as I could. Good thing his head is above everybody esle.

It's amazing, I finally got a picture of him smiling:)

This was their group picture they had made in school. Funny how Lucas looks short when he's 6 foot tall. He's just got some tall friends...

Here he is getting ready...

He actually stopped and let me take the picture....

This is in front of our car...

Last pics from the Black Forest

Here's my boys in front of a giant cuckoo clock

Inside the store, they had hundreds of clocks and this is one of the BIG ones,

This is the grandfather clock we bought. It will be delivered to us on June 18th, probably just in time for our household goods to be picked up.

I just liked the way this hotel looked. It sits right at the bottom of the waterfalls trail.

This is the biggest cuckoo clock

my boys again...

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Triberg Waterfalls

Foaming and thundering; the water masses take a headlong plunge into a depth of 163 meters.

Bordered by high spruces and jagged granite rocks, the Gutach river forces a course over seven cascades into the valley.

Les checkin out the map after we reached the top of th e trail.

Germanys Hightest Waterfalls

Les, Lucas and Rocky in front of the waterfalls

After hiking awile, Rocky was very thirsty. He had to get a drink out of a little stream coming from the falls.

Prissy didn't really care, she just wanted to walk around in the water.

There's Lucas and Nathan when we first started out.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Black Forest Room

This was the view from our room in the Black Forest

Looking the other direction

Les chillin in the room

We had to get 2 rooms...Lucas and Nathan were straight across the hallway

This is the store where we bought our Grandfather clock

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Last of the ruins

This is the old cemetery that was uncovered during the building of the monument.

Ruins of an old church