Sunday, August 13, 2006

Nurnberg Zoo

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Nurnberg Zoo. We had alot of fun looking at all the animals they have. The tiergarten (as it is called in German) is the largest one here in Germany.
Here is Lucas and Nathan in front of a rhino.

Some kind of bird and a really big nest...

We had to take a timeout and get some lunch. The boys had pizza and some pomme frits, me and Les had a hachen schnitzel.

Nathan with some Zebras and other horse-like animal. I didn't realize Nathan didn't smile in any of his pictures until we got home because I broke the LCD screen on my camera. He said he did it on purpose too. That's a boy for ya!

These two gorillas were taking it easy looking at people like "What are you looking at?" It was very human-like poses the way they were sitting.

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